Friday, October 31, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Old Internet Poker

Around the United States thousands of people gamble online.  This new rage blew up big and fast.  Within a few years of the World Series of Poker being televised, the recognition of poker and other forms of gambling grew rapidly.  This is evident as many more people began participating in the World Series of poker and online.  Over the past couple years I have watched new poker websites sprout up all over the internet.  It seems like every week I have another friend putting their money into a new sight.

            Now Congress is trying to make it illegal.  Not just place restrictions on internet gambling, but make the practice entirely illegal. Should they have the right to do this?

            Many people believe that gamblers know what they are doing and spend their own money so they should be allowed to gamble.  But do they really know what they are doing?  Many gambling sites, while still random in distributing the cards, make there be bigger hands.  It is much more common in online poker to get straights or full houses or four of a kinds.  Why do these sights do this?  Because many of them take a small portion of each pot, so bigger pots result in more money for them.  These websites also make it so players hit streaks and win hands they shouldn’t win.  When a player hits a streak many of them keep betting even when it is over, because they think they can win with bad hands.  And once they go cold, other players start being them when they have worse hands.  Then once a player loses their money they turn around and buy back in, because they remember the hands they one and think they can do it again.  They also remember the bad beats and think that it won’t happen to them again.  It’s a vicious cycle that engulfs many of Americans.  But one could still make the argument that the government still shouldn’t ban internet poker, because it is those people’s fault for being ignorant.  This is true, however, I don’t believe the government wants people not to gamble so they save their money. The government would prefer that these people invest their money in the economy, especially in times like these.  I agree with this as I feel that the people who are willing to gamble their money could do it in ways that would be much more beneficial to the economy.  

I revised my old blog by correcting a couple grammatical errors and breaking up the big paragraph.  I also added a comment to my own blog in response to someone else's comment.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

comment on other Blog

I commented on Thyrston's "Reach for the Stars"

Gun Control?

According to Just Facts About Gun Control, 49% of American households own a firearm.  Consequently, out of 15,289 murders, 10,369 were committed with a gun.  Should the US tighten gun control?
I don't think so.  The people that go through the efforts to obtain guns legally aren't the ones murdering people.  Efforts have already been made to reduce the wrong people getting their hands on guns.  Convicted felons can't legally own guns and supplying a firearm to a convicted felon comes with a 10 year sentence.  Typically the people that are out to commit crimes with their firearms obtained their gun illegally.  These people are going to find ways to get guns no matter how hard the law tries to prevent it.
Many people own firearms for self defense.  A survey from the above website showed that 34% of criminals had been scared off by an armed victim.  The ability to own a gun can make it safer for an American family.  
The right to bear arms is one of the founding principles our country was built on.  To limit the ownership of firearms would be to go against what America originally stood for.  Overall, I believe that the laws and regulations about firearms are pretty good.