Sunday, October 19, 2008

Gun Control?

According to Just Facts About Gun Control, 49% of American households own a firearm.  Consequently, out of 15,289 murders, 10,369 were committed with a gun.  Should the US tighten gun control?
I don't think so.  The people that go through the efforts to obtain guns legally aren't the ones murdering people.  Efforts have already been made to reduce the wrong people getting their hands on guns.  Convicted felons can't legally own guns and supplying a firearm to a convicted felon comes with a 10 year sentence.  Typically the people that are out to commit crimes with their firearms obtained their gun illegally.  These people are going to find ways to get guns no matter how hard the law tries to prevent it.
Many people own firearms for self defense.  A survey from the above website showed that 34% of criminals had been scared off by an armed victim.  The ability to own a gun can make it safer for an American family.  
The right to bear arms is one of the founding principles our country was built on.  To limit the ownership of firearms would be to go against what America originally stood for.  Overall, I believe that the laws and regulations about firearms are pretty good.


Thyrston said...

Contrary to your opinion, I am all for gun control. I agree that people should be able to have guns for self defense. However, I don’t see the harm in creating more strict regulations so that those who wish to participate in criminal activities are less likely to get their hands on them. There is no denying that those who are seeking a gun will find a way to get one. But by making it more difficult to get their hands on one, some will be defeated, saving that many lives from gun violence. If there is any way of preventing another Virginia Tech killing, I advocate it.

I know that many people use guns as a hobby, whether it be at shooting ranges or hunting. These people may be frustrated by the idea that it may be more difficult to get their hands on a gun. However, they are forgetting the fact that their families will be further protected. Not to mention that their shooting ranges and hunting grounds will be less crowded.

I do not believe that the government should concentrate their full attention on gun control however. I believe that they should be directing the majority of their attention on the illegal sale of firearms. The black market is where the majority of gun violence spurs from.

Anonymous said...

What do you think about all these people running out to buy assault rifles like AK 47's since the election? They fear that assault weapons will be outlawed, and they want to stock up on them for some reason. Why does anyone need an assault rifle anyway? What do they use them for? I think some gun control would be a good thing.