Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving: Relaxing or Stressful?

When I thought about thanksgiving break, I was excited.  It would be my first time going home.  I would get to see my family and friends, sleep in my own bed, and eat tons of good food.  It was going to be the most relaxing week since coming to school. 

A couple days before my plane flight, I discovered my grandparents were coming in town and using m room.  So I wasn’t going to sleep in my own bed.  It wasn’t the end of the world.  Our sofa bed wasn’t too bad. 

My thanksgiving break was fun, but it wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.  There was too much to do in too short of time.  I went into the break thinking I would catch up on sleep, but it turned out that I fell farther behind.  Everyday I felt obligated to spend time with my mom, dad, sister, grandparents, and cousins, but I also wanted to see my friends.  I hadn’t seen any of these people since I left for school.  I would spend time with my family until they went to bed at 10 or 11 then I would head to friend’s houses and stay up late into the am’s.  My parents would wake me up at noon the next day telling me everybody had been waiting hours for me to get up.  I’d scramble out of bed, tired as hell and the same thing would happen that day. 

I got so tired and run down that I was having trouble enjoying myself.  I also got sick.  Who comes home from college to get run down and sick?  While I had a lot of fun seeing my family and friends, it was a little more stressful than I would have liked. Hopefully winter break will be a little more relaxing.  Luckily it’s right around the corner.

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