Sunday, November 9, 2008

What stems Middleton's criticism

When I first read Heat-Moon's experience with Alice Middleton, my initial response was to agree with all of the points she made.  As I continue to think about her statements, I'm starting to question some of her ideas.  Does Miz Alice dislike all the change, because she can't adjust to the change.
While Miz Alice makes some good points about the deterioration of her island, I don't think things are as bad off as she makes them seem.  Miz Alice doesn't like any of the change, because she can't bring herself to change.  She points out all the problems with technology, but never thinks to mention any of the benefits that it brings not only to the island, but the entire world.  Miz Alice and her beliefs are stuck in the world she grew up in.  Her inability to adjust and keep up with the constantly changing world leads her to criticize the change, even though in many cases the change is good.

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